Stand up warrior, don't give up,
The battle field called life
Is waiting for you to return.
Despite your bruises and wounds
You must continue to fight on.
Despite your broken soul,
Nobody you can hold.
Just keep your feet on the ground and stand alone,
GOD watching over you,
His love unfolds.

Shield yourself with FAITH, HOPE & LOVE;
Even if you fall many times, don't give up.
With your determination to move forward,
You may soon realize
Trials are a blessing in disguise.

In this world, the battlefield called life,
To be a warrior is not an easy task.
In the face of combat
The best guides are FAITH, HOPE & LOVE.

Stand up warrior, don't give up!
Expect more trials to come, arise!
Don't lose your attention, be on the right track.
Don't let yourself depart from the path you're taking,
No holding back.
Stand up warrior, don't give up!

Copyright © 2004 Rapport -Ja (Philippines)

Stories / Articles 2004

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