Motivation and Inspiration To Keep You Going

motivational quote

"When people tell me I'm not capable of doing something, I like to prove them wrong. Not in a way of spite, but in a way of light. I love to turn my doubters into believers."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lauren Covington --- New Jersey

"You move on when you know nothing can hurt you more than what you been through."
Written in 2022 by Steeven Shaw --- Mauritius
To motivate people.

"If you don't have a problem, you cannot think; if you can not believe, you cannot grow independently; if you cannot grow unaided, you cannot become successful. Take every hardship, either good or bad, as an opportunity to open your next door."
Written in 2021 by Atem David Kuer --- Sudan
It is what keeps me going and I hope it will help others not to give up when they have problems in their life.

"As long as there is a spark inside us burning, we will have the potential for ongoing learning."
Written in 2021 by Allyson Partridge-Rios --- Canada
An expression of having hope.

"Wherever you go, leave a trail of positive energy and go on with your life with fullness of joy."
Written in 2016 by Kiplimo Chemirmir --- Kenyan warrior

"We need to give ourselves permission to dream because we are worthy of receiving the best that life has to offer."
Written in 2024 by Amy Temple --- Florida
As an inspirational and motivational writer, it is my goal to encourage my readers emotionally, mentally, and spiritually so they can live their best life possible.

"We do not make the fruits grow but we can plant a tree."
Written in 2024 by Brian E. Roscher --- New Jersey
We should not rely on miracles nor should we put our faith in our hands. Sensible efforts are needed in this world but the harsh reality is that we are not the masters of our own destinies.

"I've always wondered why life throws so many struggles my way. The truth is, before I was born, I chose a life blended with happiness, sorrow, and all the feelings. It turns out, I wanted a challenging life - a journey filled with ups and downs, making every moment meaningful."
Written in 2024 by Nithya Nandakumar --- India

"I know what I have done and I am fully satisfied with what I was able to accomplish whether they see it, believe it, or never would know it. Never compromise your integrity by wasting your time trying to prove it to anyone else but yourself."
Written in 2021 by Jennifer Scherer --- California
When you work harder than anyone else for someone else, you learn the hard way that others will benefit from it before you do.

"Victory is not won or lost first in the outward, visible life. It is always won or lost first in the soul's secret place."
Written in 2017 by Tim Cameron --- Oklahoma
It is my own quote and part of my mantra in life.

"Acknowledge what is not, but CELEBRATE what is!"
Written in 2010 by Connie Scolinos
For such a time as this... a perfect antidote for negativity! Too many times in life we focus on the negative. Our minds repeatedly play over our losses, disappointments, and unmet expectations; all the 'what nots'in our lives. We waste precious mental, emotional, and spiritual energy in negative thoughts patterns which become complaining, grumbling mouths. The more thankful we are for all the 'that is' in our lives, the more Grateful our hearts will become and the more joy-filled our lives will become.

"If you don't get past your past, you will not be fully present in the present."
Written in 2021 by Andrew Lawrence --- California
It is wise and can improve your life.

"Patience is not only a virtue, but a true measure of character."
Craig Stampler --- Tennessee

"Work hard enough and your dreams may only be one sleep away!"
Written in 2022 by Michael Kelly --- Wisconsin
I wrote this quote just a few days ago. I was feeling like I needed something to lift me up and instill some confidence into myself. These words came to me and they are truly motivational and inspirational!

"You have influence on others, therefore you are worthy."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by H.C. --- Texas
I feel as though this quote may remind those long affected by apathy that there is hope in life and that you are important.

"Live your life not just to look good in the eyes of others. But for others to feel good when you are with them."
Written in 2022 by Johni Pangalila --- Australia
Nowadays, we show off more of what we have or have accomplished, especially on social media. It can cause social jealousy from other people, even from our own relatives; there is no direct positive impact on them.

motivational quote from Coach Bill Parcells

"Blame no one. Expect nothing. Do something."
Bill Parcells

"Some days are better than others, some people are better than others BUT every day and person is a gift."
Written in 2022 by Marianne Moore --- California

"If you want to change your future, change the way you think and speak. What you speak, the way you speak and the thoughts you think creates the future you seek."
Written in 2022 by Bhuwan Thapaliya --- Nepal

"We cannot bring anything after life, but we can do everything in life."
Written in 2022 by Gigs Gasper --- California
I worked an average of 400 hours every month for material needs until such time I realized that its not to late to have a family and connect with my love ones.

"The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly."
Corra Harris

"You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing."
Rene Descartes

"Life is filled with choices. As a chooser, you have the ability and opportunity to react positively to every crisis or dilemma in life. Constantly choose to be optimistic. It will change the way you think, feel, speak, act, and react. The choice is yours! Share the care and live to give! Do it every day and DO IT BIG!!!"
Written in 2012 Jimmy Hagewood --- Alabama

"The energy you gain from being proud of yourself is many times more powerful than whatever anybody externally can do for you!"
Written in 2021 by Dr. Axel Meierhoefer --- California
It has helped many coaching and mentoring clients stay motivated.

"When no ones believes in you, that's when you reach for the stars."
J. Steelman --- Submitted by Chris Zarbrook --- Canada
Motivates me to look past the haters.

"Life is like a race track. The day you are born is the starting line, and the day you die is the finish line. And just like on a race track, you always run forward. You never run backward. Just like time only moves forward. You can never rewind time. "
Written in 2022 by Kunal Panjeti --- Florida
This is a quote I came up with completely on my own that I feel can motivate people and help change people's whole perception and outlook on life. It is also a good quote to try and help people let go of the past, and move forward with their lives.

"Your mindset is your doorway to both success and happiness."
Written in 2022 by Craig K. Shinmon --- California
I'm a Life Coach and I'm a firm believer that the a person's mindset will gauge their success in life.

"Everything negative - pressures, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise."
Kobe Bryant

motivational quote : If you are prepared, you will be confident, and you will do the job. on orange barnwood

"If you are prepared, you will be confident, and you will do the job."
Tom Landry

"For me, I'm focused on what I want to do. I know what I need to do to be a champion, so I'm working on it."
Usain Bolt --- Olympic Champion

"If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade."
Tom Peters

"Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in."
Napoleon Bonaparte

"Don't limit me because of my disabilities --- let my abilities exceed your expectations."
Anthony Ejefoh --- Submitted by Sammy John --- Michigan

"Self improvement is a daily event you should never neglect."
Written in 2020 by Amy Temple
It's during these trying times that we must take the time for ourselves. I want to use my gift of writing to help others live their best lives possible.

"Don't give up or let anyone stop you from your dreams!"
Written in 2021 by Charlene Gibson-Hernes
I wrote this due to the struggles I have had, and went through. I just would like people to still live out their dreams.

Motivational Quote of the Day : Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear..

"Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear."
Anthony Robbins

"Look Up To See What Is Going Down."
Copyright © 2021 Lina and the Lions
Have you ever felt like you have been running fast but on the spot? And the only destination in sight is the hole that you have managed to dig yourself into? My head was down, staring at the screen, worrying about things that haven't happened yet and completely neglecting the gut feeling in my stomach that was screaming at me to look up!

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."
Albert Einstein --- Harry Bornstein --- Rhode Island

"Motivation hinges on innovation! Occasionally... vocational responsibility, in a world of precarious times, humanity seeks notification for a caring herald of good news."
Written in 2020 by Jesse Di Campli San Vito --- Australia

"Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it."
Joe Clark

"The major difference I've found between the highly successful and the least successful is that the highly successful stick to it. They have staying power. Everybody fails. Everybody takes his knocks, but the highly successful keep coming back."
Sherry Lansing

"I knew I was going to succeed the very day they stopped believing in me."
Written in 2021 by Mills Billions --- Ghana
This quote really inspired me because I was planning to open a restaurant in my community, and it was like nobody actually believed in my dreams. Initially, I had wanted to give up. Then I heard this within me. I realized the only reason they were trying to talk me down was because I had a big dream. And today, I'm about to open the food joint I have always dreamed about. It's amazing!

"There is always beauty in the Chaos; Look for it, Find it, and Rejoice over it."
Written in 2019 by Vincy M. --- USA

"Have an upbeat, positive attitude and your mind will start to look at things differently."
Written in 2019 by Christopher Ammirati --- New Jersey

"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so."
Belva Davis --- Submitted by Lauren Covington --- New Jersey

"Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life. Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already knew. It's easy to see the negative, but every person, every situation, has something unique about it. Develop a habit of finding the greatness in every situation.

Being a positive person does not mean your life is perfect, please understand that. It simply means that you have hope and strength, and you love and value what you have, and what you're striving to be. Never stop believing in what you are capable of being. It's not miracles; it's attitudes. You change your attitude, you change your life. If you believe you can; then you will.

I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise because I've been foolish. Don't run away from your mistakes. Fix them, learn from them and understand what you need to do so that you never repeat them. I urge you to remind yourself, success is a formula and attitude a strategy. Life extends beyond our aspirations and far beyond the goals of our lives. Enable the attitude to change and the ability to change what doesn't suit you."
Written in 2016 by Kiplimo Chemirmir --- Texas
Life is Good!

"Surely a clay pot cannot ask the potter, why did you make me like this? –-- Romans 9 v 20. However, the clay pot may request that it be used to serve kings. It may request that it be used for a special purpose; and it may request that its composition be improved on. Such are reasonable requests to make; but to query its form is a foolish thing to do. The question, why were you made this way is for you to ponder on and use to your advantage. That question is not for the potter."
Written in 2021 by Isdore Ozuo --- Nigeria
To motivate others

"The word Failure doesn't work without the word Succeed; they both work together in balance like dark and light. Don't be afraid of it and always put your mind to it."
Written in 2021 by Dyllan B. --- NSW Australia
Always thought of it

motivational quote : Rule # 1 - Don't give up! No matter what happens, never give up. Rest, change direction, slow down if you must; simply never give up. And a lake with boats

"Rule # 1 - Don't give up! No matter what happens, never give up. Rest, change direction, slow down if you must; simply never give up."
Written in 2021 by Erich Jao --- Philippines
These days it's easy to quit especially when the whole world's outlook is dismal. With so much written in any platform about what to do, it's so easy to get confused and find the path of least resistance. Some materials may say to take it easy on yourself and give in.... Whenever I feel lost, or defeated, I go into this fundamental thinking - I am not throwing in the towel. If I simply have to show up, I will. If I can just do one thing, I will. Anything works as long as I am not throwing in the towel.

"You'll be surprised what you can find when you keep an open mind."
Written in 2015 by Allyson Partridge-Rios --- Canada

"Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no greater investment."
Stephen Covey

"An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinctionbetween great men and little men."
Thomas Fuller

Next: Motivational Quotes For EntrepreneursMotivational Quotes