"25 Motivational Quotes For Champions"

"To achieve it, you have to KNOW it in your HEAD and BELIEVE it in your HEART."
Written in 2005 by L. Schmitt --- Australia
I used this as a main theme when I was doing a motivational speech for some developing players in my sport. The more and more I thought about it, I realized that it was right, and I had to start believing in myself before I could tell other kids this and it changed my attitude towards training and my own success.

"Don't look up to champions, be one."
Copyright © 2005 Jesse Poulton
Take life's challenges head on.

"It's not what you do that defines you. What defines you is how well you rise after you have fallen."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Vivian M. --- Illinois
This quote helps me whenever I feel I am lost.

"A destined soul sits --- mine runs."
Copyright © 2004 Matt Catinella

"Heroes run to danger."
Copyright © 2005 Michael Castellano

"You are the world's greatest, when you say you are."
R.Kelly --- Submitted by Rachel S. --- North Carolina

"In order to achieve our dearest dream, we should never father the idea of failure or even second guess ourselves. As soon as we let our insecurities get the best of us and decide to settle for anything less than our dearest dream, all it will ever be is simply a dream."
Copyright © 2005 Mariusz Mazurek

"If your mind is open, you will never face closed doors."
Copyright © 2005 Larissa Belcher
I made this up and put it on the quote of the day board at work. Everyone found it insightful and told me I should post it, so here it is!

"I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything."
Nikola Tesla --- Submitted by Martha Varzaly --- Pennsylvania

"Desire, dedication and determination is the only formula of success."
Copyright © 2005 Ranjeet Mehta

"Those who dream of success, dream with their eyes wide open. They set goals, work hard, overcome obstacles and achieve success."
Copyright © 2005 Rohit Gupta

"I you think you've done it, then you're wrong. Because you're not finished until you have achieved everything that you never thought you could."
Brendan Manning --- Submitted by N.M. --- Canada
Brendan Manning is a university professor at Malaspina University

"A pacesetter is never out of place; he sets the standard from which criteria of selection for others will be established. Be a pacesetter! Dare taking the risk!"
Copyright © 2005 Leussa Adrienne

"For man is in control of his own destiny; have faith of what you can do, for it only boils down to the level of your desire to achieve your dreams."
Copyright © 2005 Erwin S. Eusebio

"If you're not a step ahead, are you sure you're not a step behind?"
Copyright © 2005 Kirk Schafer

"When you are looking for something, you must believe you will find it. When you are scared, you must believe your fear cannot overtake you. The hope in your heart will always be there and once you access it - the possibilities are endless."
Copyright © 2005 Nicci Cettolin
I have found in all my life that hope - true or false - is the one thing that will save us all.

"Why cry if you can laugh? Why wait if you can act? Get out there - make a difference!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by T.G. --- Brazil
Never give up! You only get one life - live it to the fullest!

"No matter how many times you fail at something, you are never a failure until the day you quit trying."
Written by Michael T. Vaisanen

"You will never win unless you guys bond and play as a team. A bunch of amazing individuals will never beat a good team unless you play as a team."
Denny Allen, East Marshall Baseball --- Submitted by Ryan W. --- Iowa
This was said to us going into the bottom of the ninth of the consolation championship game at STATE. We were down 8-1 and we played as a team and came back and won 9-8, while doing this after our first two batters were called out...it was an amazing quote that motivated me.

Here's the difference between a Champion and Others:

"A champion, when he fell, always got back up and tried even harder. He slowed down over the speed bumps and hit a pothole now and then, but each time, he kept going. He didn't care how bad it hurt or hard he had to try. Others, on the other hand, when they fell, stayed there. Maybe tried to get up and kept falling and didn't try to get up anymore. Stopped at the speed bumps and fell into the potholes. Quit when he hurt and was tired. If you want to be a champion, try and try again. Never let your hopes slip out of your hands."
Copyright © 2005 Jessy Oho
Never give up, regardless how bad of a fall you take or how bad it hurts to be successful --- I live for challenges, do you?

"We plan more but accomplish less. Don't be a background observer ... be an active player. Don't wait for a personal invitation to speak your mind cause you'll never know until you try. Go deeper ... Reach higher. No pain ... No gain, ma' friend, and always remember that things which hurt ... INSTRUCT."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Omnia Aly --- Egypt
I always say this quote to myself when I feel down to lift up my spirit.

"The 3 P's to success - Passion, Persistence & Patience."
Copyright © 2000 Doug Bronson
Never Give up & Never Surrender

"Warriors, like all men, always fear failing but they never ever in their life let fear take control over them."
Copyright © 2005 Vibhore Jain

"The flame that burns inside to succeed is only as hot as the pain in your muscles."
Copyright © 2004 Kyle Emery
I came up with this while I was training with my Varsity X country team. It goes through my mind before every hard practice and before every game or race.

"Celebrate your failures. Failures teach you to succeed in life. One failure opens the door for hundreds of successes."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Daljit Jeetu --- India
Hey friends, enjoy each moment of life.