"It's amazing how you can lose so much and just when you believe you have nothing to live for, you look back and realize that you've gained so much more then you've ever lost."
Copyright © 2005 Eda Suzer

"Darkness is a part of life. If the existence of such were not present, stars would not shine."
Written in 2005 by Julian H. --- Washington

"Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. Though they do not cost much, they accomplish much. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image in other people's souls, and what a beautiful image."

"God wouldn't give you the ability to dream without the ability to make your dreams come true."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by G. Wortman --- Wisconsin

RISK :"Life involves risk. Without risk, we are not living, loving or learning."
Copyright © 2005 Maria Haramis

"It takes vision and courage to create. It takes faith and courage to prove."
Owen D. Young

"All of us have the right to choose whether to be happy or not. Being happy is an easy thing; all we have to do is to forget. But before we do that, we will have to learn three things: to accept it, face it and overcome it. Only when you have fully learnt this, you will be able forget."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Adeline T. --- Singapore
I guess some of us just don't like the feeling of facing up to our problems. We just run and hide, but this is not going to help. I got this inspiration not too long ago when I decided to accept my fate and it really does help. We should learn to heal.

"Do not give up on hope, for hope has not given up on you."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Iain T. --- British Columbia, Canada

"How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose we know not, though sometimes sense it. But we know from daily life that we exist for other people, first of all, for whose smiles and well-being our own happiness depends."
Albert Einstein

"The best things in life take the most amount of time."
Written in 2000 by S. Toussaint --- New Brunswick, Canada

"Life is a collection of memories to cherish."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jatinder Kumar --- Punjab, India

"Don't work for my happiness, my brothers--show me yours--show me that it possible--show me your achievement--and the knowledge will give me courage for mine."
Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

"Laugh at the imperfections; love the misdirections 'cause happiness is realizing that it's so much easier to smile."
Copyright © 2004 Andy Brommel

"Nothing is ever as bad as it first appears to be."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Tony Payne --- Michigan

"Never forget you were made in the image of the Great Spirit, the one who created the heavens, the stars and all life. And since you were made in his image you too can create great and wondrous things for his power and spirit dwell inside of you."
Juan R. Jimenez --- Submitted by Eagles Warrior --- New York


If I had the power
I would heal the sick,
Feed the hungry and the poor
End all poverty, famine and war.

If I had the power
All the blind would see, the lame would walk,
The mute and deaf would hear and talk.

If I had the power
No child would ever shed a salty bitter tear,
Out of neglect, beating or fear
For I would give them a family
That truly loves them and cares.

If I had the power
But yes, we all possess that power.
It's called "the power of prayer".
Copyright © 2005 Joseph P. Martino

"Our faith comes in moments... yet there is a depth in those brief moments which constrains us to ascribe more reality to them than to all other experiences."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"When you do something politely, when you do something with all your heart, trust me that God will help you."
Karen John --- Submitted by Karen t. --- Sabah, Malaysia

"Making a decision is the miracle that God won't do for you."
Copyright © 2004 Daniel Sierra
This came to me while preaching to a local congregation on the need to have character.

"You are not judged by the height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed."
Frederick Douglas

"No one will accept who you are until you do. No one will respect you until you respect yourself."
Copyright © 2005 Jacqueline Kelly
For years I hid from life until I realized the only thing I was doing was hiding from myself. Today I live life unafraid.

"The human spirit cannot be paralyzed. If you are breathing, you can dream."
Mike Brown --- Submitted by Zainub R. --- Sindh, Pakistan

"Uncertainty and expectation are the joys of life. Security is an insipid thing, though the overtaking and possessing of a wish discovers the folly of the chase."
William Congreve --- Submitted by Darin C. --- Iowa