"21 Thoughts For Today"

"Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a better one."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Shannon S. --- New Jersey

"My Tombstone should read, 'Wake me up and I will tell you what exciting things I have done in my Life.'"
Written in 2007 by Shamsud Ahmed --- India
I live by every word of the above quote. I will work towards it and we all should do the same.

"Difficulties don't come to your life to destroy you but to help you realize your hidden potential. Let difficulties know that you are difficult to them."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Hement Kumar --- India

"Be courageous and think positively! The very day you are discouraged, you kill all those you meet throughout the day because your life is a stepping stone for others and not a slipping stone to get them to fall. Talk positive and encourage whoever comes to you."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Gyamfi Prince --- Ghana
There are many who die daily as a result of negative and discouraging words. Many can survive through your words and not wealth.

"Choices in Life: Choose between Happiness & Sorrow, Choose between Yesterday & Tomorrow."
Copyright © 2007 Richard Pawchuk

"Don't underestimate yourself. We all have a special 'something' inside us. When you fill your self-esteem bank account with as many points as possible, you get closer to discovering why you are on this planet."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Rosita Lehmann --- Australia

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."
Conrad Hilton

"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor."
James Allen

"To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives."
Denis Waitley

"Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present, you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day."
Copyright © 2007 Ashwin Ganesh

"Be more willing in acknowledging and confronting conflicts and trials for they teach us what we never learned from school or counselors."
Written in 2007 by Juliet Cabuguang --- Philippines
The more eager I face my problems, the easier I surpass them because I not only consent them but I also learn the reasons why they are given to me.

"At age 20, I was ready to set the world on fire. At age 50 I believe I have lost the matches."
Written in 2007 by Raymond C. Nolan --- Alabama
Today I realized that I have settled into a rut.

"Life is action, not contemplation."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by P. Chamlikar --- India
Everyone should follow this as a rule.

"Our life is made up of our choices. The choices that we make can either make or break us."
Written in 2007 by Maria RoCiel --- Philippines

"When you start on a program of long distance running, you quickly realize how positive positivity can be to get you home positively."
Written in 2007 by J. Hedman --- Ireland

"Everything is important which is beyond my knowledge!"
Written in 2007 by Sunny Bahree --- India

"A sleeping-giant is yet another dwarf."
Written in 2007 by Ibrahim Hena --- Nigeria
I discovered that a lot of people have "giants" great potentials in them, but they simply let it sleep while still bragging about it. So WAKE UP the giant in you!!!

" Life can be either be accepted or changed. If it is not accepted, it must be changed. If it cannot be changed, then it must be accepted."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Janette Alisbo --- Philippines

"Always remember that every single human being is a protagonist deserving the full right to oppose or cooperate with the government decision. Therefore, if you alone have so much power to face umpteenth masses, then you are not alone. Your trust and conviction are within you. The reign of these ubiquitous powers will elevate you to leaders from observers."
Written in 2007 by Ravi Kumar Keenoo --- Mauritius
I have personally written this quote with lots of attention. This quote emphasizes the importance of a single human being and shows him his real powers. Therefore, it is very motivational to move darkness and establish light.

"Achievements are a figment of our possibilities."
Written in 2007 by Pritesh Jethwani --- India

"A legacy consists of two parts: Create and Inspire."
Copyright © 2007 Tom Kotowski