"Self Improvement Quotes"

"A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve."
Joseph Joubert --- Submitted by Jagdish Kaviraj --- India

The Heart is the Field,
Self-discipline is the Fencing.
Exclusion of worldliness is the Weeding,
Ardent application is the Tilling.
Holy thought is the Seed,
Fervor is the Crop,
Ecstasy is the Harvest.
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ---Submitted by Jambunathan Iyer

"It's important to know what's important ( in life ) and even more important to know what's not."
Written in 2011 by Joseph P. Martino --- New Jersey

"To show love is to give love; to give love is to receive love. Love is gentle, kind, and sweet. Love shouldn't be measured by what a person does or gives. If the love is genuine on both ends, the smallestthing is just as great as the biggest thing... everything you do or show should be appreciated."
Written in 2011 by Gloria Taylor-Franklin --- Mississippi
I thought about this when a male relative of mine asked a question about how much does a person have to do to show somebody you love them?

"We can't let our goals or success take away time from the ones we love most. Time is something you can never turn back. Once its passed, that's it. No money in the world can bring back a single moment in time."
Written in 2010 by Rachel Woodard --- California

"People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be, not what you nag them to be."
Written in 2011 by Shavoris Brown--- Georgia

"It is bad when people look down on you but it is even worse when you look down on yourself."
Written in 2010 by Margarita Gondwe --- Zambia
The day I thought like this, I changed how I look at myself.

"Appreciate one another, enjoy our differences and do not fault one their passion for every soul has it's share of wisdom to pass on."
Written in 2011 by Dawna P. --- Iowa

"No one can control what happened in the past. It's gone and it's over. So many individuals allow the past to hinder them from getting to the future. Get on with your life. If you have to cry a river,then cry a river. Then build a bridge if you have to, but then you better find a way to get over it."
Written in 2001 by Tracy Solomon --- Pennsylvania
Crying is all right, it cleanses the soul but then you have to get up and move on. If you cry so much that you begin to make a river, fine. Build a bridge over the river, but when it's all said and done,you better get over that bridge to the future. Meaning get over whatever it is that has you in the slump.

"Sar Salamat, to Pagdi hazaar.
If your head is intact, you can have a thousand turbans."
Indian Proverb --- Submitted by Chetan Gusani --- India
In troubled times, save your life first, your possessions should not be your priority. You can buy worldly things anytime later.

"The biggest battles aren't fought with others. They're with oneself!"
Written in 2011 by Nobel Aiyappa --- India

"Knowledge comes from answering questions. Enlightenment comes from questioning answers."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Gary Anderson --- Illinois

"Mind they way you talk; your words are your dignity."
Written in 2011 by A. Leonard --- Nigeria

"The river leaves all obstacles behind and reaches its way to the ocean. In a similar way, we should never involve ourselves in disputes and should try to use every moment for self progress and the welfare of humanity."
Written In 2011 by Pramod Kumar Sharma --- India
I have noticed that little indifferences and matters of conflict waste a lot of energy and time to come to a normal stage.

"Don't worry if someone gives you the cold shoulder, it most likely is the only one they have."
Roy Cochran --- Submitted by Terry Einhorn --- Tennessee

"Time... only stands still... if you're not moving forward."
Written in 2011 by Jeanette Sally Justice --- Maryland

"Years ago when I looked into my grandfather's eyes, I saw nothing more than the eyes of an old man. Shame on me, because today when I looked in the mirror, I saw nothing more than the eyes of an old manand a grandfather three times over; again, shame on me."
Written in 2011 by S.M. Griffiths --- Canada

"Whatever you do is a seed sown in the garden of your life, which you will one day harvest its fruit."
Written in 2010 by St. Philip Mensah --- Ghana

"The worst in life is 'Attachment'; it hurts when you lose it. The best thing in life is 'Loneliness' because it teaches you everything and when you lose it, you get everything."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jambunathan Iyer N. --- India

"Sometimes there is this inner tension of my own mind. That hard to please place in there. From that process comes an outbreak of beauty. You have to force it at times and it may seem ugly but then the beauty will prevail."
Written in 2011 by Miles Patrick Yohnke --- Canada

"One great loss in life is dying for someone who is living without you. Learn to be yourself by being honest to yourself about the things you have and not the ones you're waiting for."
Written in 2011 by Philemon C. --- Canada
It'll help not to chase shadows of life because being your true self is the greatest help you can do for yourself.

"When you're depressed, the whole body is depressed, and it translates to the cellular level. The first objective is to get your energy up, and you can do it through play. It's one of the most powerful waysof breaking up hopelessness and bringing energy into the situation."
O. Carl Simonton --- Submitted by Lauren Covington --- New Jersey

"We can't control the impressions others form about us, and the effort to do so only debases our character."
Written in 2010 by Emmanuel Ojedokun --- Nigeria

"The most complex thing in this world is YOU. Try to solve yourself and one day, you will see world is full of solutions."
Written in 2011 by Swadeep Mohanty --- India

"The key to always being happy is to take the one good thing that happened to you, for the day, and think of that instead of the many bad things that happened to you in the day."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Radley R. --- New York

"A respectful mouth kept in check and not allowed to expand beyond the size one one's brain and ego will bring success to its user."
Written in 2011 by Joseph P. Martino --- New Jersey

"The best way and easiest to be successful is to discover the god given talent in you and expose it to the people around you, if not in the whole world."
Written in 2011 by Nwachukwu Naphtali --- Togo
The reason is simple, like good morning.

"Those who failed to increase you will definitely decrease you."
Written in 2011 by Emmanuel Bamiduro - Nigeria