"Motivational Thoughts to Believe In Yourself"

boxing gloves hanging on wall

"Admire those who attempt great things, even if they fail."

"How many times in your life have you heard that you cannot do it? Listen, it's only impossible until someone does it! Why can't that person be you? Never believe your doubts and never doubt your beliefs!"
Copyright © 2003 Jon Hawks

"Never give up fighting for your ambition, for it will keep you standing when the battle ceases. There's a season for every brave warrior to savor victory; there's a vast amount of time when a warrior will encounter the ferocious and dense Savannah of life that will try to overwhelm his spirit. In moments like these, a warrior chants in valor for he knows there's no other greater honor to himself than facing his fears and overcoming them."
Copyright © 2011 Kiplimo Chemirmir

"I always admire and model rich and successful people, daily. I am truly grateful for all the money I have now, daily. Lucrative opportunities always come my way, daily."
Written in 2011 by Prince Mohammed Davies --- United Kingdom
What can I get? What can I take? What can I gain? What can I give? What can I share? What can I contribute?

"Dreaming is the Foundation of Reality."
Written in 2006 by Andrew Fraser --- Jamaica
Whenever I feel down or I think that my dreams are too big, I remember this quote and tell myself that before anything was designed someone had to first dream about it (cars, planes, trains, computers, etc.).

"Incredible seed of human being is the mind, where all the thoughts grow and are watered by the heart. Let's feed the positivity in it! Start by accepting that you can, then prove that you can!"
Written in 2011 by Emmanuel Mabaso --- South Africa
Lifetime decisions start in our thoughts... and they become real when we believe in them.

"The goal is your target. Aim, stay in position, & fire!"
Written in 2011 by Brianna Gazvoda --- Pennsylvania

"Never accept as fact that you can't make it or you can't do something. If you are prepared and keep the faith, the universe was designed for your success!!!"
Written in 2011 by Donald Manning --- Florida

"The successful man is the one who had the chance and took it."
Roger Babson --- Submitted by George Onuorah --- New York
The quote is aptly very true. Some people are successful because of taking the bull by the horn and taking a gamble. They seized the moment.

"Champions are not supernatural. They just fight one more second when every one else quits. Many a times, one more second of effort gives you the victory."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Saifuddin Syed --- India

"Everything they said I couldn't do, I did. Everything they said I won't do, I will."
Written in 2011 by Kristi D'Arpa --- New Jersey

"The world is moved by highly motivated people, highly energetic folks, enthusiastic men and women who want to achieve something great and believe in greater aspirations."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jennifer Raj --- India

"The only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is extraordinary determination."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Pradnya Potdar --- India
A friend sent this to me and it inspired me in the low times. Am sure it will motivate others as well. My mantra is - Never Give Up in Life!!!

"Positive thoughts, self-confidence and working hard are the key roles to achieve success."
Written in 2011 by Jimmy Nelson --- Malaysia
Success is within us.

"If life is a race, always fight for the pole position!"
Written in 2010 by Selemela Barry --- South Africa
It's a quote that motivates me to give my best in everything I do or try in life.

"An empire begins with one brick."
Written in 2011 by Robert Gera --- New Zealand

"Nobody ever climbed a smooth mountain. Enjoy the bumps and scrapes on your way to the top; you'll appreciate it more."
Written in 2011 by Alex Ortega --- Illinois
I created this quote to remind me every time that when you want something so bad, it's going to cause you some pain and suffering.

"You have the ability to succeed in anything you attempt! Sometimes the hardest part is getting started! We all have the spark within us to do something great! We just have to find the right motivation and determination to get the fire ignited!"
Copyright © 2005 Jon Hawks

"The measure of failure is as long as it takes to succeed. Appreciate those who lift you up when you fall and get you back on your feet! Always stay a strong encourager! Stay focused! Stay motivated! Stay positive and stay the course! Do it every day and DO IT BIG!!!"
Copyright © 2011 Jimmy Hagewood

"When people told me I'd never make it, I listened to the one person who said I could: me."
Shannon Sharpe --- Submitted by Robert Moore
Said during his Hall of Fame speech.

"The more you put pressure on yourself, in terms of working hard, the more successful you will be in life."
Written in 2011 by Celiwe Matamo --- South Africa

"Start strong FINISH STRONGER"
Written in 1998 by Simon Prado --- California
I came up with this while being a coach of a football team. I wrote it on the footballs to make my players always see it.

"Live like there is no tomorrow! Constantly move forward and appreciate the motivation for your existence! It has cause! It has meaning! It has reason! Never give up and never look back! Choose to make a meaningful difference in your life and the life of others. Do it every day and DO IT BIG!!!"
Copyright © 2011 Jimmy Hagewood

"Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Mohammed --- Saudi Arabia

"Be First or Be with the First!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Sethuraman Balasubramanian

"As some of us fight a little harder, so too are the results a little better."
Written in 2011 by Jonathan Simango --- Zimbabwe

"How your day goes is all about your perception and positivity. If you have it in mind that nothing can stop you, it simply won't...just believe and follow through with this mindset."
Written in 2011 by Ted Rogers --- Kentucky

"Do not reach but leap for the stars."
Written in 2011 by Roy Dela Calzada --- Texas

"My focus for today... A little less luck and a lot more skill! We should never stand by and hope for the best! Take charge and make things happen! Trust in your ability to succeed!"
Copyright © 2011 Jon Hawks

"Let your name become a symbol for success. Your name should always represent the ideals of discipline, courage, motivation, character, and respect, so that when others hear your name, they think of these ideals. No one can be Dr. Paul better than I can, and no one can be YOU better than you are!"
Copyright © 2011 Dr. Paul Stuart Wichansky
I have been a youth instructor for the New Jersey State Police these past four years, hosting presentations to high school seniors interested in pursuing careers in law enforcement. When I heard other State Police instructors teasing some students about their last names at the start of boot camp, this inspired me to include the above thoughts into my presentation this week.

"If you can entertain yourself, then you have the ability to move the world."
Written in 2011 by Deepesh Mishra --- India


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