"27 Inspiring Quotes About God, Faith, and Bravery"

"Faith is not the cake for special occasions but the bread for every day living."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Natalia Visagie --- South Africa
We often only pursue in faith when we have a big crisis on hand, but it is a real challenge to make faith of your daily routine and to really believe in the promises of God. The rewards for having a faithful life are awesome.

"Insurmountable obstacles could be ever laid out in every step of sacrifices, but God is with you as your guide."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by AJ Betera --- United Arab Emirates
I chose this phrase because most people think that when life is full of burdens, God has forsaken them. Actually, He is just testing how strong you are and he is definitely there, as always, to guide you.

"When God solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; but when HE doesn't solve your problems, HE has faith in your abilities!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ankita N. --- India

"The best kind of giving is the one that is felt from within."
Written in 2009 by Otobong Adaise --- Nigeria

"You don't have to be perfect to be cared about or loved."
Written in 2009 by Renee Scalfani --- Massachusetts
Too many people in life try so hard to impress someone when all you really need to do is be yourself.

"A smile is a small curve that solves a big problem."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ravish Kumar --- India

"Do you to improve you; be you and never lose you."
Written in 2005 by Michelle Casanova Burgos --- Pennsylvania
aka "Baquera" of C&C Divas SBC, NJ/PA... Remember to let no one take away your passions!

"An arrow can be sent forward only by pulling it back. So when life is pulling you backwards, it means it is going to launch you to a victory!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by A.N. --- India

"I may not be the best, but I am for sure not the worst."
Written in 2009 by Prabhjot Singh Khurana --- India
It makes me realize that I am unique, good and competitive in any situation. In short, it gives me confidence to face anything and this quote, is dedicated to someone; she knows me.

"The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle."
Anais Nin

"Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live unreflectively and begins to devote himself to his life with reverence in order to raise it to its true value. To affirm life is to deepen, to make more inward, and to exalt the will to live."
Albert Schweitzer

"Nothing is this world is so marvelous as the transformation that a soul undergoes when the light of faith descends upon the light of reason."
William Bernard Ullathorne

"When we shuffle out words in a creative way they become a pathway for Quotes; similarly, when we shuffle out our positive thoughts creatively, they become a pathfinder for life."
Written in 208 by Sandeep Kumar --- United Arab Emirates

"When you have given your all, tried your best and fought your hardest, your soul finds peace."
Copyright © 2009 Vernon Shazier
To let people know there is a peace the soul experiences when you give your best.

"It is enjoyable to chat with your girlfriend but it is more enjoyable to chat with your GOD to make your life great with love and success. Chatting with GOD is a most successful procedure to achieve anything in your life."
Written in 2009 by Satyendra Nath Chatterjee --- India
My experience tells me that if you can chat with the GOD in a wavelength matching to yours, paradise can be created inside your family.

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible."
Christopher Reeve

"If you are good, people are good around you."
Dinesh K. Gupta --- Submitted by Nishant K.P. --- India

"Don't worry about the drop... don't worry about 'what if'... keep God in your heart and a prayer in your mind and nothing will hurt you."
Written in 2009 by Chris A. --- New Mexico
Always look up to our father in heaven; he'll never let you fall.

"To succeed in life you have to be determined, serious and above all --- be prayerful."
Written in 2009 by Sola Emmanuel --- Nigeria

"Wait for your order. Don't give up when you see other people having theirs, yours is coming and it will be well prepared for you; it just depends on the nature of your order."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Bonginkosi Nkosi --- South Africa
In life we tend to give up easily; but in time, God will give us what we've wanted all along.

"You have been given the highest blessing, the most precious knowledge on this planet. You *are* the Divine Self; you are part of the Self. Walk with that confidence. It's not arrogance. It's, again, Love."
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar --- Submitted by Narayan T.V. --- India
From "I Am in All These Forms"

"The greatest sin is to think yourself weak."
Vivekananda --- Submitted by Smrithi Gopalan --- India
It fills me with confidence

"Faith is the soil in which we plant our dreams so they can grow."
Copyright © 1998 Elizabeth Toussaint
There were so many times in my life where my future seemed dark but I knew what I wanted for myself and I exercised blind faith, I pressed forward with FAITH and saw my mountains moved.

"If you are waiting for something better to come along, there is nothing better than God!"
Written in 2009 by Candace Chambers-Belida --- California

"Whenever I am surrounded by dark clouds, He shows me a silver lining."
Written in 2008 by Namita Shah --- California
I was inspired to write this quote as I noticed that whenever I was going through rough times in my life, something good would happen, giving me an unexpected solution to my problems. Meaning of the quote: 'Dark clouds' = Problems 'He' = God 'Silver lining' = Ray of Hope or Solution

"You may not have the best of everything you can possible imagine and desire, but you are given all the opportunities to earn them for yourself, if you just let go of envy, bitterness, and loss of hope; anything is possible and attainable. As you make it happen, learn to value and be contented of what you have for you are still better and blessed more than you'll ever know. How fortunate you are on this side of the world! Follow your dreams, create direction, be inspired, believe and always have faith in God."
Copyright © 2009 - James Padilla --- Philippines

"What is it in your life that you used to be excited about? Are there dreams that you've pushed down, goals that you've let go of? Too often, because those dreams seem to be taking a long time, or because we've been through some disappointments, we become complacent. It's easy to just accept the fact that "it's probably not going to happen for me." But just because you gave up doesn't mean God gave up. God never aborts a dream. He always fulfills His promises! That dream He placed in your heart may be pushed down by disappointments, setbacks, failures, or rejection. But know this; the seed is still alive. The promise is still in you. You just need to get your fire back! That dream may look like it's dead in the ground, but really, it's just been planted. That means it's coming back. It's going to flourish! Our attitude should be: This may be taking a long time, and maybe I don't see how it could happen, but I know God already has the completion date. I'm not going to give up on my dreams. I'm not going to go through life without goals, passion, or enthusiasm. No, I'm getting my vision back because I know God fulfills His promises!"
Copyright © 2009 Leiby Acosta
When I thought I couldn't go on, God gave me strength to live and accept the things I could not change. Honestly, 2 years ago I was a broken spirit. Confused and lost, things at times did not make any sense until I put all of my cares and worries in God's hands and today I'm doing much better and I trust and believe that God will continue to work things out for me and you because he is a loving and merciful father. I read a verse which I try to repeat and remember that our Lord Jesus said he will never leave us nor forsake us...how wonderful and sweet it is to know he loves me unconditionally.