"Personal Growth Quotes"
Give attention to the details in everything you do
And excellence will come."
Perry Sexton --- Georgia
"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is for you."
Ralph Waldo Emerson --- Submitted by Kathleen McLaughlin --- New York
"Our doubts are traitors,
And make us lose the good that we oft may win,
By fearing to attempt."
William Shakespeare --- Dan Eisenhauer --- Nova Scotia, Canada
"The future belongs to those who see possibilities
Before they become obvious."
Samuel Johnson --- Sent in by Maurice Howard --- Virginia
"Be careful around those individuals who have bought into negativity
Because they have the uncanny ability of selling it as well!"
Brian G. Jett --- Kentucky
"I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace,
Harmony, health, love and abundance.
Then whenever doubt, anxiety or fear try to call me,
They will keep getting a busy signal
And soon they will forget the number."
Edith Armstrong --- Sent in by Brianne Wilson --- Washington
"When facing a difficult task, act as if you cannot fail.
When going after Moby Dick, take along the tartar sauce!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Donna --- Colorado
"I just want to be a good friend, that's all.
You can call me a leader,
But please do not call me a follower.
I have been on that trail;
It's so worn down that it's not useful to follow anymore.
I'm forging a new one.
So be willing to hold my hand, I will show you the way.
It's a long journey, and it will take some time,
But it can only begin through small steps."
Copyright © Paul Stuart Wichansky --- New Jersey
Unselfish Love
"It is with mixed feelings, that I watch you go
But I know it's needed, so that you can grow
My prayer for you this day, as you begin to fly
Is that you can reach great happiness, though today we may cry
But let these tears flow from a place, a place we've never been
From a love so deep inside of us, we soon will laugh again
For as you soar high above the clouds, may God guide your wings
For through ONLY Him can you accomplish, any and all things."
Copyright © Brian Jett --- Kentucky
"It's not enough to have a dream,
Unless you're willing to pursue it.
It's not enough to know what's right,
Unless you're strong enough to do it.
It's not enough to learn the truth,
Unless you also learn to live it.
It's not enough to reach for love,
Unless you care enough to give it."
Author Unknown --- Sent in by Laura A. Hoof --- Wisconsin
"There is no color to the hand of friendship."
Unknown --- Sent in by Heather Griggs
"Persistence is the hard work you do
After you've finished doing the hard work you already did."
Unknown --- Sent in by Dalton Marshall --- Alberta, Canada
"There are those who see an opportunity
And then there are those who SEIZE an opportunity!"
Joanie Warren --- Georgia
"If we choose to be offended when we don't get our own way,
Then we're going to live constantly on the edge of anger.
But if we say to ourselves, " A merry heart does good like a medicine,"
It'll make all the difference in the world."
Charles R. Swindoll --- Sent in By Chen Fawn Meng - Malaysia
"Be brave. Even if you're not pretend to be.
No one can tell the difference."
H. Jackson Brown --- Sent in by Sean Swisshelm
"Life can be like the ocean,
One day it's calm,
Another day there's a hurricane...
So be prepared."
Kendra Nelson ---Indiana
"Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated."
Unknown --- Sent in by Gary Harrington --- Michigan
"Performance: 80% is physical, the other half is mental."
Unknown --- Sent in by Matt Willey
"A smile brightens the darkest day."
Chinku --- Tavua, Fiji
"A mind once expanded by a new idea,
Never returns to its original dimensions."
Oliver Wendell Holmes --- Submitted by John O'Neill --- Texas
"Listen a hundred times,
Ponder a thousand times,
Speak once!"
Source Unknown --- Sent in by Teresa Meyer --- Perth, Western Australia
"People spent an excessive amount of time conjugating three verbs:
To Want, To Have, To Do.
We had forgotten that "To Be" is the source and fount of life."
Unknown --- Sent in by Pinsky via Brian Jett --- Kentucky
"There is so much good in the worst of us,
So much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us."
Unknown --- Submitted by Alexandra Eanes --- Washington
"All's well that starts well,
If you don't have the time to do it right in the first place,
Where will you find the time to do it over,
So all's well that starts well."
Pat Paradowski --- New Jersey
On Facing Adversity:
"Souls are like athletes, that need opponents worthy of them,
If they are to be tried and extended
And pushed to the full use of their powers,
And rewarded according to their capacity."
Thomas Merton --- 'The Seven Storey Mountain'
--- Sent in by Bruce Bremer --- Out on a Submarine
"Life is like a mine field,
You must walk through it one step at a time,
But with imagination.
Once you shut down your imagination and step in the wrong direction,
Things blow up."
Ty Howard --- Maryland
"One's true character is most transparent
When placed in a position of power."
Brian G. Jett --- Kentucky
"Private victories precede public victories."
S. R. Covey --- Sent in by Naomi Sena --- California
"Forget about the business outlook,
Be on the outlook for business."
Paul J. Meyer, Success Motivation Institute
--- Sent in by David Sees --- Florida
"The soul should always stand ajar,
Ready to welcome the ecstatic experience."
Emily Dickinson
Sent by Sue --- Australia
"If you don't stand for something,
You will fall for anything."
Author Unknown --- Sent in by Gary Thadani
"If one could only learn to appreciate the little things...
A song that takes you away, for there are those who cannot hear.
The beauty of a sunset, for there are those who cannot see.
The warmth and safety of your home, for there are those who are homeless.
Time spent with good friends for there are those who are lonely.
A walk along the beach for there are those who cannot walk.
The little things are what life is all about,
Search your soul and learn to appreciate."
By Shadi Souferian --- California
"Dreams come true for those who work while they dream.....sweet dreams."
Unknown --- Sent in by Hector Rodriguez --- Texas
"It is not what you've got in life that counts,
Rather, it is how you use what you have."
Sent in by Mark Anderson --- New Jersey
"Never fear shadows, it only means there is light near by."
Ruth E. Renkel ---Submitted by Robert Cox
--- Author's name provided by Jennifer - 2-23-01
"It is alright to make mistakes,As long we learn from the mistakes made."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Eddie --- Singapore
"Nothing Ventured...
Something Lost."
Author Unknown --- Sent in by Melinda Pipes
"Aimer, ce n'est point nous regarder l'un l'autre,
mais regarder ensemble dans la meme direction.
English Translation:
To love is not to look at each other,
But to look together in the same direction."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
--- Contributed by Genevieve Parent --- Ontario, Canada
"It's not that important that you win,
But more that you built that habit/mentality."
Andy Nguyen, CEO of WMAS
--- Sent in by Sally Nguyen --- Virginia
"True friendship is like a star,
You don't see it's light in the brightness of prosperity
But in the darkness of adversity."
Unknown --- Sent in by Erin Davadilla --- Philippines
"If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count."
Dexter Yager--- Sent in by Gary Harrington --- Michigan
--- Author's name provided by Karen VanderZee 4/28/00
"When your emotional resources are running low,
You can say things out of character.
Ask for forgiveness to he or she you may have offended.
Most importantly, pray for the wisdom
To leave damaging things unsaid
And then read something positive and go to bed!"
Brian Jett --- Kentucky
"Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day
That says ...I'll try again tomorrow."
Mary Anne Radmacher --- Sent in by Becky Volpe --- California
"If you hate someone you simply misunderstand them.
Innocent love is the only true love.
To die with hate is to live without love.
If you want to understand me, you have to love me.
Hating is easy, loving is hard.
Hate is just misguided love.
Think with your brain but live with your heart."
Wade Pluff --- Contributed by Mary K. Yingsr --- South Carolina
"There are risks and costs to a program of action
But they are far less than the long range risks and costs
Of comfortable inactions."
JFK --- Contributed by Patrick Walsh --- Canada
"You have a right to perform your prescribed duty,
But you are not entitled to the fruits of action.
Never consider yourself the cause
Of the results of your activities,
And never be attached to not doing your duty."
From the Bhagwad Gita, a holy book for the Hindus
--- Sent in by Jayesh Naithani
"Before enlightenment - chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment - chop wood, carry water."
Zen Buddhist Saying
--- Contributed by Mark Sillars --- Perth, Western Australia
"An athlete striving to become the best,
Lets nothing stand in their way;
Not even the coach."
Unknown ---Submitted by K.B. --- Ohio
"You must get in water over your head to learn to swim.
You must stay in water over your head to really succeed."
Dwight Cotton --- Kentucky
"Live, Laugh, Love, & be Happy."
Author Unknown --- Sent in by Larry J. Vigil
"The difference between tenacity and stubbornness
Is that one comes from a strong will
And the other from a strong won't."
Author Unknown --- Sent in by Phil --- Texas
"Champions aren't made in gyms.
Champions are made from something they have deep inside them:
A desire, a dream, a vision.
They have to have late minute stamina,
They have to be a little faster,
They have to have the skill and the will.
But the will must be stronger than the skill."
Muhammad Ali --- Sent in by Heather --- North Carolina
"Pay as you go and you won't owe!"
Anthony R. Niccoli --- Missouri
"Your either part of the steamroller, or part of the pavement."
Robert V. Franco --- Michigan
"Plan to succeed, or, you have planned to fail!"
Donnie Hall --- Kentucky
- Find your own particular talent.
Be Big.
Be Honest.
Don't worry about your problems.
Live with enthusiasm.
Don't let possessions posses you.
Don't cling to the past.
Look up to people when you can. Look down to no one.
Assume your full share of responsibility in the world.
Pray consistently and confidently.
Author Wishing to Remain Anonymous --- Washington
"I have discovered that those who constantly complain
Will in their very circumstances constantly remain."
Brian G. Jett --- Kentucky
"One man's disappointment
Is another man's livelihood."
Jarrod Geistdorfer --- Illinois
"All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in this world
Are for enough good people to do nothing."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Kurt
"A true friend knows the song in your heart,
And can sing it back to you
When you have forgotten the words."
Donna Roberts
--- Sent in by Matt Sabatino --- Ohio
--- &
--- Jenifer I., Age 18 --- Pennsylvania
"If there is no wind, row."
Author Unknown --- Sent in by Arbie Allen
"If you are not part of the solution
Then you are part of the problem."
Author Unknown --- Sent in by Bill Brown --- UK
"A lot of people come in and out of our lives
But only a treasured few make a difference,
Leave an impression of love that lasts forever,
Only a few are as special as you."
Jen Smiley --- Texas
"Team spirit is knowing and living the belief
That what a group of people can accomplish together
Is much larger, far greater, and will exceed
That which an individual can accomplish alone."
Diane Arias --- Massachusetts
"If you need help, you need a friend.
If you don't need a friend, you need help."
Author Unknown --- Contributed by Amanda Spring --- Texas
"You have to go by instinct
And you have to be brave."
Winona Ryder in 'How to Make an American Quilt'
--- Submitted by Erin Sabatini --- Pennsylvania
"Champions believe in themselves
Even if no one else does."
Unknown --- Contributed by Wes Wright --- Texas
"The way we see the problem is the problem."
S. R. Covey
--- Sent in by Naomi Sena --- California
"One, two, three four five,
All is well I am alive,
Six,seven,eight nine ten,
All is well, no whining then!"
Sue --- Australia
"The only time we should look down upon another man
Is when we are bending over to help him up."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by
--- Emily Knight and Marshay Clayborn
"Success is not always achieved by hard work alone,
But mix it with a little organization
And a little strength from God above
And you'll have a winning recipe."
Andries S. Trollip --- South Africa
"It's difficult to remember
When you are to your neck in alligators,
That your main objective
Was to drain the swimming pool."
Unknown --- Sent in by Bob Webb --- Michigan
"Life is like a piano.
Anyone can play a song through meaningless repetition,
But it takes passion to play a masterpiece."
Kent Nelson --- Alabama
"The two hardest concepts to deal with in life
Are success and failure."
Anonymous --- Contributed by Adam Neft --- Pennsylvania
"Great souls have wills, feeble souls only wishes."
Chinese proverb --- Contributed by Naomi Sena --- California
"Get Your Mind Set,
Confidence Will Lead You On."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Curt Liddell --- Illinois
"Self examination is a good and healthy thing,
But you must also forgive yourself
As you forgive others.
Many of our errors are as a snowflake
Falling unfelt upon the breast of winter."
Lori Hard
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
Strictly Ballroom (movie)
--- Sent in by Sue --- Australia
"The opportunities are always open,
To the heart of one who seeks to be of service
To those in need.
Through that service,
The one who gives,
Also receives."
By Rob Evan Hughes
--- Sent in by Alannah Sheriland --- Canada
"Each morning when you wake up,
You choose to take a step forward,
A step back,
Or remain the same."
Justin Hazelton --- Pennsylvania
"Live in the solution, Not the problem."
Told to me by My Mom
--- Contributed by Joe Stevens Jr.--- Louisiana
"While one person hesitates because he feels inferior,
The other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior."
Henry C. Link
--- Contributed by Martha H. Varzaly --- Pennsylvania
"The ultimate test of a relationship
Is to hold hands while you argue!"
Author Unknown --- Sent in by Tim Reeves --- Arkansas
"In order for there to be ups, there must be downs.
Remember all your failures, so when you succeed
You can look back and have pride
That you strength enough to overcome."
Sean Skrmetta --- Mississippi
"Those who live in the past have no future!"
Father Lopez --- Submitted by Cortney Bliss --- Florida
"Successful people in this world are those who get up
And look for circumstances they want.
If they can't find them, they make them."
George Bernard Shaw
"The price of excellence is discipline.
The cost of mediocrity is disappointment."
William W. Ward
"I don't know the secret to success,
But the key to failure is to try and please everyone!"
Bill Cosby --- Sent in by Stephanie Wurst --- Wisconsin